Join Us

If you want more information about joining our Council, please contact our Membership Director at

Bishop Burbidge on the Knights of Columbus
Learn about the Council from PGK Chris Gallagher

Eight reasons to consider joining the K of C Family of Man Council

  1. We are committed to charity in the SJN community. Our charitable activities often support local needs. Local food pantries, homeless shelters, and support for Northern Virginia Veterans are among the many organizations we assist.
  2. Being a Knight doesn’t take as much time as you think. We often hear, “I just don’t have the time right now.” If you can only spend an hour or two at dinner, scramble some eggs on a Sunday, or help with Christmas Mass parking, that’s good enough for us.
  3. Being a Knight makes us better husbands and fathers. Sometimes, we all need a break. Joining the K of C gives an opportunity to meet with the other Catholic men in the parish, take a breather, and enjoy a few hours of camaraderie and fun.
  4. We need you. There’s a lot to be done in our community and we need practicing Catholic men to help. From our Blood Drives, to assisting the Intellectually Disabled, to our support for Seminarians and Military Chaplains, we need Catholic men to join us!
  5. We have enjoyable activities. Our council meets for sports watch parties, bike rides, cookouts, and other activities. It’s not all about cooking pancakes!
  6. We pray together and educate ourselves in the Catholic faith. Our council prays the Rosary before our monthly dinner. The K of C is a great way to connect with our faith.
  7. We eat well. With our November Chili Cookoff contest, our Christmas Yankee Swap, and our St. Patrick’s Day social, we hold monthly dinners to support our Coats for Kids program, the Global Wheelchair Initiative, and our SJN scholarship program.
  8. Being a Knight isn’t complicated. The Knights began in 1882 and we have a long tradition of service and ceremony, but our guiding principle is charity. We only ask for you to give us as much time as you are comfortable giving.

If you have questions about the Knights or joining our Council, please contact Ryan Schneider at